The Clem-Whitings

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Saturday without Momma

The four of us are home alone without Momma. We miss her.

Yesterday, we had music class, soccer and Little League at 8:30, 10:30 and 2. Boom, boom, boom, whew. I see what she goes through every weekend that I have to work at that bank. (For what I'm able to make, it sure is a waste.)

Music class was great. We all were there. Sophie tries to guide Ellie to fun. She means well but sometimes I have to remind her that she needs to let her discover things on her own. Sam moaned about going. Not tough or boy enough for him. But when he got there he could hardly contain himself. Throwing and waving the gauzy hankies and playing with the musical instruments like when he was Eleanor's age, dancing around giddily. Eleanor was happy to be back. She would sit in my lap between songs, to Sophie's frustration. It reminded me of when the twins were younger. That was six years ago, really? It's hard to believe they're not two or four or even six anymore. They're still really young but now they have all these elbows and knees. Eleanor will be there in no time and all we'll have are these memories.

Sophie's Blue Meanies play to a tie. Which apparently was a big improvement over last week. (I worked.) The first half was a bit sluggish for her. Not much running and a lot of standing around, watching. The second half was a different story. Her spirit and assertiveness was great to see. She mixed it up with them, got in there and got the ball down close to the goal. Although no goals were scored, it was a spirited game and I was proud of her. She was knocked down once or twice but got up each time and kept going. She was proud of herself and rightly so.

Sam's first game as a Dodger in Upper Minors went pretty well. He played in the field 4 out of 5 innings and batted twice without a hit. His first at-bat was bit of a wake up call. He struck out on 4 pitches, looking. His second at-bat was much better. He fouled off a few pitches, one missing a double by about a foot down the first baseline. He's not going to be carrying the team but he'll hold his own and will be a significant contributor. All in all, he will be fine